Danish Zoo kills Perfectly Healthy Giraffe and Then 4 lions.

Without a doubt, there are some issues they ran into. Not only did they lure the poor giraffe in with his favorite food – rye bread – shoot him in the back of the head 2 times, host a public dissection in front of hundreds of people (mostly children), and then fed his body to the lions; they also killed those 4 lions, 2 of which were cubs, for one new lion. These animals learn to trust the zookeepers, some even build a bond with them. Marius the giraffe trusted his doctor when eating the rye bread from his hand, he didn’t have a clue what was going to happen next. Imagine going to the doctor, getting fed your favorite snack, and then out of nowhere, getting shot in the back of your head by someone you trust a lot, simply because your genes were too similar to the rest of your friends and family. They shot Marius rather than a lethal injection, which would’ve caused less pain for Marius simply to feed him to the lions; they have stated no other reasons to why they shot him with a rifle other than to feed him to the lions. This is obviously not a one-time problem. How can we stop this from happening in the future?

2 thoughts on “Danish Zoo kills Perfectly Healthy Giraffe and Then 4 lions.

  1. This is a horrifying story! Just reading it makes me sad. Your writing has emotional power, Emily.

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