The Implosion of Martin Tower

Yesterday, on May 19th of 2019, in Bethlehem PA, a historic building was imploded (it was blown up from the inside, causing it to collapse). For some people, this may mean nothing, but for others, it could’ve been more or less so life-changing. Imagine growing up and seeing the tower in the skyline every day of your life, and then one day you wake up, and it’s not there.  The tower has been there since 1972 and it was 21 stories tall, and in just 15 minutes, it was gone. As of now, they’re planning to build a hotel in place of the tower. Some people, even though they may not have been close to the tower, may have been sad because it may have reminded them of 9/11. When I was talking to my dad he said watching the tower collapse like that made him think of 9/11 and remember all those people who lost their lives. But then my dad remembered it was for a good reason, and for safety.

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